Dex Giese

Hi! I’m Dex Giese, a mixed media stop motion animator studying in Vancouver, BC. I graduated from Emily Carr University of Art + Design with a degree in 2D + Experimental Animation. My work centers around exploring the relationship between imagery + emotion, and I intend to fill my work with as much energy as possible.

If any of this resonates with you, please feel free to reach out!

Stop Motion ++

  1. The Variety Show

Hand Puppets ++

  1. Hot Stuff (WIP)
  2. EFPN

Set Design ++
  1. Hot Stuff
  2. Set Design 2022

Experimental Mixed Media ++
  1. The Variety Show
  2. Big Box of Rats 2023
  3. Big Box of Rats 2022
  4. Experimental Animation 2022

Illustration/Painting ++
  1. AMZY Album Art
  2. AP Art Portfolio
  3. Sketchbook 2023
  4. Sketchbook 2022

Throughout the years:

2023 ++
  1. The Variety Show
  2. Big Box of Rats 2023
  3. Hot Stuff
  4. Sketchbook 2023

2022 ++
  1. EFPN
  2. Experimental Animation
  3. Big Box of Rats 2022
  4. Digital Sketchbook
  5. Set Design

2021 ++
  1. AMZY Album Art

2020 ++
  1. Wishbone
  2. AP Art Portfolio

Contact Me →
Hot Stuff
| Fourth Year Film | Emily Carr University | Live Action Hand Puppets | 2023 |

For my grad film, I am directing and producing a tooth-themed musical comedy called Hot Stuff.

Marina, a energetic and fun-loving little girl slips and falls on the playground, knocking out her front four teeth. She’s quickly carted off to the hospital, where her mother and sister wait to reveal her hideous fate. Her mom gives her a hand mirror and is shocked to realize that Marina LOVES her new look! Marina promptly rips off her hospital gown, a disco ball drops from the ceiling, and a disco mashup medley fills her ears. When hordes of medical professionals swarm her attempting to fix her teeth, she evades them through a series of costume changes and dance numbers.

Marina Santos

Marina is a kind and optimistic puppet who tries to approach every situation with a great attitude. She is friendly and outgoing, and enjoys spending time with her friends and family, disco music, and the latest fashion.

My production blog is linked here.